arbeiten писал(а): искал в макросах
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arbeiten писал(а): искал в макросах
Timur писал(а):arbeiten писал(а): искал в макросах
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arbeiten писал(а):Искал в файле LS_TSN.XLS
Timur писал(а):arbeiten писал(а):Искал в файле LS_TSN.XLS
у меня находит...не знаю чем еще помочь тогда.
' Lascaiate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrata!
' (Leave behind every hope, you who enter!)
' -- Dante
' Оставь надежду, всяк сюда входящий! Данте.
Option Explicit
'Константы для прогресса выполнения
Const sPBuild = "Построение "
Const sPInitParams = "Инициализация параметров документа "
Const sPProcessSmStr = "Обработка сметных строк "
Const sPTab = sPProcessSmStr & "шифр расценки: "
Const sPHeaderDoc = sPBuild & "шапки документа "
Const sPItogGraf = sPBuild & "итогов по графам на "
Const sPLimItog = sPBuild & "лимитированных итогов на "
Const sPResVed = sPBuild & "ресурсной ведомости на "
Const sPItogVidRab = sPBuild & "итогов по видам работ на "
Const sPUnionNRSP = "Укрупнение процентов НР и СП по видам работ на "
Const Start_Boady = 1
Const sFontName = "Arial"
Const iSizeFont = 11
Const PrmRoundIt = 1
Const PrmRoundEd = 2
Dim PercentEd As Integer
Dim PercentIt As Integer
Public Const csIndexLevel_1 = 1
Public Const csIndexLevel_2 = 2
Const CalcItBase = 3 'Расчитать всего в базовом уровне цен
Const PZ = 1 'ПЗ
Const Mat = 2 'Матер
Const EMM = 3 'ЭММ
Const ZPM = 4 'ЗПМ
Const OZP = 5 'ОЗП
Const NR = 6 'НР
Const SP = 7 'СП
'Константы для рассчета итогов
Const ColIt_B = 15 'стоимость 2001 г по сметной строке
Const ColIt_C = 16 'стоимость текущая г по сметной строке
Const ColIt_NR_B = 17 'стоимость 2001 г Накладные расходы от ФОТ
Const ColIt_NR_C = 18 'стоимость текущий Накладные расходы от ФОТ
Const ColIt_SP_B = 19 'стоимость 2001 г Сметная прибыль
Const ColIt_SP_C = 20 'стоимость текущий Сметная прибыль
Const ColIt_NR_SP_ZPM_B = 21 'стоимость 2001 г НР и СП от ЗПМ
Const ColIt_NR_SP_ZPM_C = 22 'стоимость текущая НР и СП от ЗПМ
Const ColIt_FOT_B = 23 'стоимость 2001 г зарплата машинистов
Const ColIt_Stroit_B = 24 'стоимость 2001 г строительных работ
Const ColIt_Mont_B = 25 'стоимость 2001 г монтажных работ
Const ColIt_Oborud_B = 26 'стоимость 2001 г оборудования
Const ColIt_Other_B = 27 'стоимость 2001 г прочих работ
Const xWrapHeader = 30
Const xWrapStruct = 31
Const xWrapItogName = 32
Const xWrapLimTitle = 33
Const xWrapLimNames = 34
Const xWrapRRTitle = 35
Const xWrapRRName = 36
Dim xNpp As Integer
Dim xTab As Integer
Dim xName As Integer
Dim xEdIzm As Integer
Dim xKoll As Integer
Dim xEdCen As Integer
Dim xPopr As Integer
Dim xZU As Integer
Dim xItogB As Integer
Dim xIndex As Integer
Dim xItogC As Integer
Public PrmPrintRR As Boolean
Public PrmPrintRRInStruct As Boolean
Public PrmPrintRRTrud As Boolean
Public PrmPrintRRMash As Boolean
Public PrmPrintRRMat As Boolean
Public PrmPrintRRPriceInfo As Boolean
Public PrmPrintRRZeroStr As Boolean
Public PrmPrintRRNegativeValue As Boolean
Public PrmPrintTitle As Boolean
Public PrmPortret As Boolean
Public DocTwoLevel As Boolean
Public PrmAltTab As Integer ' 1-Альтернативное; 2-Обычное; 3-Альтернативное сокр.
Public PrmHeaderUtv As Boolean
Public PrmHeaderOnLs As Boolean
Public PrmPrintNppSubStr As Boolean
Public PrmPrintZeroStr As Boolean
Public PrmPrintZeroInfo As Boolean
Public PrmPrintFormulaInKoll As Boolean
Public PrmPrintComment As Boolean
Public PrmPrintReplacePopr As Boolean
Public PrmPrintKodPopr As Boolean
Public PrmPrintCorrectPopr As Boolean
Public PrmFullEdIzm As Boolean
Public PrmPrintItog As Boolean
Public PrmPrintLimItog As Boolean
Public PrmPrintItogObj As Boolean '[CQ 11482]
Public PrmPrintFooter As Boolean
Public PrmPrintCompens As Boolean
Public PrmPrintItogVidRab As Boolean
Public PrmPrintCalcResultBCost As Boolean
Public PrmPrintIndicateExcludeStr As Boolean
Public PrmSelectedLevelIndex As Long 'csIndexLevel_1 или csIndexLevel_2
Public PrmIdLevelCost As Long
Dim DocType As Long
Dim NmGraf As Integer
Dim NumPP As Long
Dim yLS As Long 'Начало локальной сметы (для расчета итога по структуре)
Dim yRazd As Long 'Начало раздела (для расчета итога по структуре)
Dim yPodRazd As Long 'Начало подраздела (для расчета итога по структуре)
Dim yStartSmStr As Long 'Начало сметной строки (для расчета итога по сметной строке)
Dim yStartSubStr As Long 'Начало подчиненной строки (для расчета итога по сметной строке)
Dim sySmStr As Long 'Координата на текущую сметную строку
Dim y_header As Long
Dim header_cnt As Long
Dim syCount As Long
Dim UseAkt As Boolean
Dim Src As Excel.Worksheet
Dim dst As Excel.Worksheet
Dim TmpSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Const SmetaUtilsBook = "SmetaUtils.xls"
Dim WBSmetaUtils As Excel.Workbook
Sub DoLs_TSN()
If Not IsDocumentCorrect Then Exit Sub
DocType = 0
'Восстанавливаем значения на форме
On Error GoTo RestoreError
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!RestoreForm"), Form_Tsn, DocType, "DoLs_TSN"
On Error GoTo 0
Form_Tsn.Caption = "Смета по ТСН-2001 (ОАО МЦЦС 'Мосстройцены')"
'Сохраняем значения на форме
On Error GoTo SaveError
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!SaveForm"), Form_Tsn, DocType, "DoLs_TSN"
On Error GoTo 0
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub DoAkt_TSN()
If Not IsDocumentCorrect Then Exit Sub
DocType = 1
'Восстанавливаем значения на форме
On Error GoTo RestoreError
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!RestoreForm"), Form_Tsn, DocType, "DoAkt_TSN"
On Error GoTo 0
Form_Tsn.Caption = "Акт по ТСН-2001 (ОАО МЦЦС 'Мосстройцены')"
'Сохраняем значения на форме
On Error GoTo SaveError
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!SaveForm"), Form_Tsn, DocType, "DoAkt_TSN"
On Error GoTo 0
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub DoKC2_TSN()
If Not IsDocumentCorrect Then Exit Sub
DocType = 2
'Восстанавливаем значения на форме
On Error GoTo RestoreError
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!RestoreForm"), Form_Tsn, DocType, "DoKC2_TSN"
On Error GoTo 0
Form_Tsn.Caption = "Акт КС-2 по ТСН-2001 (ОАО МЦЦС 'Мосстройцены')"
'Сохраняем значения на форме
On Error GoTo SaveError
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!SaveForm"), Form_Tsn, DocType, "DoKC2_TSN"
On Error GoTo 0
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub CustomizeForm()
Dim syLevel As Long
Set Src = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Source")
With Form_Tsn
FormProgress.InitProgress Src
.Tag = Src.Cells(1, 7).Value '; 1-BabyСмета; 2-НормоКалькулятор; 3-АтомСмета
'Базовый уровень
syLevel = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!FindLevel", csIndexLevel_1)
If syLevel <> 0 Then
.OBLevelBase.Caption = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!GetLevelTitle", syLevel, 0)
End If
.OBLevelBase.Value = syLevel <> 0
.OBLevelBase.Visible = syLevel <> 0
'Текущий уровень
syLevel = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!FindLevel", csIndexLevel_2)
If syLevel <> 0 Then
.OBLevelCurr.Caption = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!GetLevelTitle", syLevel, 0)
End If
.OBLevelCurr.Value = syLevel <> 0
.OBLevelCurr.Visible = syLevel <> 0
.CBPrintCompens.Enabled = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!IsCompens")
End With
End Sub
Sub UpdateButton()
Dim aProjectType As Integer
With Form_Tsn
.FrameUtv.Enabled = (DocType = 0)
.OBUtv.Enabled = (DocType = 0)
.OBNotUtv.Enabled = (DocType = 0)
.CBItogVidRab.Value = (DocType = 0)
.CBItogVidRab.Enabled = (DocType = 0)
.CBPrintRRInStruct.Enabled = .CBRR.Value
.CBPrintRRTrud.Enabled = .CBRR.Value
.CBPrintRRMash.Enabled = .CBRR.Value
.CBPrintRRMat.Enabled = .CBRR.Value
.CBPrintRRZeroStr.Enabled = .CBRR.Value
.CBPrintRRNegativeValue.Enabled = .CBRR.Value
.LabelUnionParamRR.Enabled = .CBRR.Value
aProjectType = .Tag '-1 not inited; 0; 1 BabyСмета; 2 НормоКалькулятор; 3 АтомСмета
If aProjectType <> -1 Then
If aProjectType = 1 Then 'BabyСмета
.CBPrintPriceInfo.Value = False
.CBPrintPriceInfo.Enabled = False
.CBHeaderOnLS.Enabled = False
.CBHeaderOnLS.Value = True
' .CBPrintPriceInfo.Enabled = .CBRR.Value And _
' .CBPrintRRMat.Value And _
' ((aProjectType = 0) Or (aProjectType = 3))
.CBPrintPriceInfo.Value = False
.CBPrintPriceInfo.Enabled = False
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
Function IsDocumentCorrect() As Boolean
On Error GoTo SourceNotFound
IsDocumentCorrect = True
With Worksheets("Source")
If ((.Cells(1, 1).Value <> 0) Or _
((.Cells(1, 4).Value <> "_PS_") And _
(.Cells(1, 4).Value <> "_RS_")) _
) Then
MsgBox ("Неверный тип документа!")
IsDocumentCorrect = False
Exit Function
End If
End With
If Not OpenSmetaUtils Then
IsDocumentCorrect = False
Exit Function
End If
Exit Function
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
IsDocumentCorrect = False
MsgBox ("Не тот документ!")
End Function
Sub FormatStructStr(ByVal y As Long)
Dim Rng As Range
With dst
Set Rng = .Range(.Cells(y, 1), .Cells(y, NmGraf))
SetFont Rng, iSizeFont + 2
With Rng
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.Font.Bold = True
.WrapText = True
End With
End With
WrapLongName xWrapStruct, y
End Sub
Function GetSheetName() As String
If DocType = 0 Then
GetSheetName = "Смета по ТСН-2001"
ElseIf DocType = 1 Then
GetSheetName = "Акт по ТСН-2001"
ElseIf DocType = 2 Then
GetSheetName = "Акт КС-2 по ТСН-2001"
End If
End Function
Sub InitGlobalVars()
Dim syLevel As Long
Set Src = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Source")
syCount = Src.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
FormProgress.UpdateProgress sPInitParams, 12
PrmIdLevelCost = 0
If (PrmSelectedLevelIndex = csIndexLevel_1) Or (PrmSelectedLevelIndex = csIndexLevel_2) Then
syLevel = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!FindLevel", PrmSelectedLevelIndex)
If syLevel <> 0 Then
PrmIdLevelCost = Src.Cells(syLevel, 14).Value
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!InitModulFormuls"), PZ, Mat, EMM, ZPM, OZP, NR, SP, syLevel
End If
End If
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!AddSheet"), GetSheetName
Set dst = Application.ActiveSheet
With Src
If (.Cells(15, 1) = 15) Or (.Cells(15, 1) = 16) Then
UseAkt = False
UseAkt = True
End If
End With
PercentEd = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!RoundParam", PrmRoundEd)
PercentIt = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!RoundParam", PrmRoundIt)
NumPP = 0
If (DocType = 0) Or (DocType = 1) Then
NmGraf = 11
xNpp = 1
xTab = 2
xName = 3
xEdIzm = 4
xKoll = 5
xEdCen = 6
xPopr = 7
xZU = 8
If DocTwoLevel Then
xItogB = 9
xIndex = 10
xItogB = 0
xIndex = 9
End If
xItogC = xIndex + 1
ElseIf (DocType = 2) Then
NmGraf = 12
xNpp = 1
xTab = 3
xName = 4
xEdIzm = 5
xKoll = 6
xEdCen = 7
xPopr = 8
xZU = 9
If DocTwoLevel Then
xItogB = 10
xIndex = 11
xItogB = 0
xIndex = 10
End If
xItogC = xIndex + 1
End If
header_cnt = 0
y_header = 0
sySmStr = 0
End Sub
Sub SetColumnsWidth()
With dst
.Columns(xNpp).ColumnWidth = 5 'Номер по порядку
.Columns(xTab).ColumnWidth = 14 'Обоснование
.Columns(xName).ColumnWidth = 40 'Наименование 'CQ[10894]
.Columns(xEdIzm).ColumnWidth = 8 'Единица измерения
.Columns(xKoll).ColumnWidth = 11 'Кол-во
.Columns(xEdCen).ColumnWidth = 11 'Цена на ед. изм. руб.
.Columns(xPopr).ColumnWidth = 16 'Поправки
.Columns(xIndex).ColumnWidth = 12 'коэффиц. пересчета
.Columns(xItogC).ColumnWidth = 12 'ВСЕГО в текущих (прогнозных) ценах, руб.
If DocTwoLevel Then
.Columns(xZU).ColumnWidth = 10 'ЗУ
.Columns(xItogB).ColumnWidth = 12 'ВСЕГО в базисных ценах, руб.
.Columns(xItogC + 1).ColumnWidth = 12 'Ст-ть ед. с начислен.
End If
'Смета по ТСН, Акт по ТСН
If (DocType = 0) Or (DocType = 1) Then
If PrmPortret Then
.PageSetup.Orientation = xlPortrait
.PageSetup.Zoom = 60 'CQ[10894]
.PageSetup.Orientation = xlLandscape
.PageSetup.Zoom = 90 'CQ[10894]
End If
'Акт КС-2 по ТСН
ElseIf (DocType = 2) Then
.Columns(xNpp + 1).ColumnWidth = 5 'Номер по порядку
If PrmPortret Then
.PageSetup.Orientation = xlPortrait
.PageSetup.Zoom = 60 'CQ[10894]
.PageSetup.Orientation = xlLandscape
.PageSetup.Zoom = 85 'CQ[10894]
End If
End If
Dim sHeader As String
sHeader = Src.Cells(1, 10).Value
.PageSetup.LeftHeader = "&8" + sHeader
.PageSetup.RightFooter = "&P"
.PageSetup.LeftMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.4) '1.0см
.PageSetup.RightMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.2) '0.5см 'CQ[10895]
If sHeader = "" Then
.PageSetup.TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.2) '0.5см
.PageSetup.TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.4) '1.0см
End If
.PageSetup.BottomMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.4) '1.0см 'CQ[11127]
.PageSetup.FooterMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.2) '0.5см
.PageSetup.HeaderMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.2) '0.5см
.Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(1, NmGraf + 4)).Select
ActiveWindow.Zoom = True
End With
End Sub
Sub RunТСН()
Dim y As Long ' current row in new sheet
Dim sy As Long ' current row in source
Dim LsNumber As Long
Dim aTypeStr As Variant
y = Start_Boady ' current row in new sheet
sy = 12 ' current row in source
With dst
On Error GoTo ErrPrinter
On Error GoTo 0
Do While ((sy <= syCount) And (Src.Cells(sy, 1).Value <> "-1"))
aTypeStr = Src.Cells(sy, 1).Value
If (aTypeStr <> "") Then ' Skip empty strings
If Src.Cells(sy, 2).Value > 0 Then ' Skip unvisible strings
If aTypeStr = "1" Then
If Not PrmHeaderOnLs Then
PrintLocalHeaders y, sy
End If
ElseIf aTypeStr = "3" Then
If PrmHeaderOnLs Then
If LsNumber <> 0 Then
PrintFooters y
.HPageBreaks.Add Before:=Cells(y, 1)
End If
LsNumber = LsNumber + 1
PrintLocalHeaders y, sy
PrintStructure y, sy
End If
ElseIf (aTypeStr = "4") Or (aTypeStr = "5") Then
PrintStructure y, sy
ElseIf aTypeStr = "19" Then
PrintComment y, sy
ElseIf aTypeStr = "17" Or aTypeStr = "18" Then
PrintSmetaStr y, sy
ElseIf ((aTypeStr = "51")) Then ' Limitir. string
PrintItogStruct y, sy, GetStructElem(sy)
PrintLimitir y, sy
PrintRV y, sy
End If
End If
End If
FormProgress.UpdateProgress sPProcessSmStr, sy
sy = sy + 1 ' Next row in source
PrintFooters y
OnArterPrintering y
End With
End Sub
Sub OnArterPrintering(ByVal y As Long)
Dim I As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrPrinter1
With dst
'.PageSetup.PrintArea = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(y, NmGraf)).Address
For I = ColIt_B To xWrapRRName
.Columns(I).Hidden = True
Next I
End With
End Sub
Sub InitRangeFooter(ByRef aRangeFooter As String)
'Смета по МТСН
If (DocType = 0) Then
aRangeFooter = "A62:K66"
'Акт по МТСН
ElseIf (DocType = 1) Then
aRangeFooter = "A42:K46"
'Акт КС-2 по МТСН
ElseIf (DocType = 2) Then
aRangeFooter = "A80:K84"
End If
End Sub
Sub InitRangeHeaderUtv(ByRef aRangeHeaderUtv As String)
'Смета по МТСН
If (DocType = 0) Then
aRangeHeaderUtv = "A1:K6"
End If
End Sub
Sub InitRangeHeader(ByRef aRangeHeader As String)
'Смета по МТСН
If (DocType = 0) Then
If DocTwoLevel Then
aRangeHeader = "A9:K31"
aRangeHeader = "A34:K58"
End If
'Акт по МТСН
ElseIf (DocType = 1) Then
If DocTwoLevel Then
aRangeHeader = "A1:K19"
aRangeHeader = "A21:K38"
End If
'Акт КС-2 по МТСН
ElseIf (DocType = 2) Then
If DocTwoLevel Then
aRangeHeader = "A1:L37"
aRangeHeader = "A42:L76"
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub InitRangeInSheet(ByRef aSheetName As String)
'Смета по МТСН
If (DocType = 0) Then
aSheetName = "LS_Header_11_0"
'Акт по МТСН
ElseIf (DocType = 1) Then
aSheetName = "AKT_Header_11_1"
'Акт КС-2 по МТСН
ElseIf (DocType = 2) Then
aSheetName = "KC2_Header_12_2"
End If
End Sub
Sub PrintComment(ByRef y As Long, ByVal sy As Long)
If PrmPrintComment Then
With dst
.Cells(y, xName).Formula = "=Source!G" + Trim(Str(sy))
FormatComment y
y = y + 1
End With
End If
End Sub
Sub FormatComment(ByVal y As Long)
With dst
.Cells(y, xName).WrapText = True
SetFont .Cells(y, xName), iSizeFont
.Cells(y, xName).Font.Italic = True
End With
End Sub
Sub FormatSmetaStr(ByVal y As Long)
Dim Rng As Range
With dst
SetFont .Range(.Cells(y, 1), .Cells(y, NmGraf)), iSizeFont
'Акт КС-2 по МТСН
If DocType = 2 Then
Set Rng = .Range(.Cells(y, xNpp), .Cells(y, xNpp + 1))
Set Rng = .Cells(y, xNpp)
End If
With Rng
.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
.VerticalAlignment = xlTop
End With
Set Rng = .Range(.Cells(y, xTab), .Cells(y, xName))
With Rng
.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
.VerticalAlignment = xlTop
.WrapText = True
End With
Set Rng = .Cells(y, xEdIzm)
With Rng
.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
.WrapText = True
End With
Set Rng = .Range(.Cells(y, xEdIzm + 1), .Cells(y, NmGraf))
With Rng
.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
End With
.Cells(y, xEdIzm).Font.Italic = True
.Cells(y, xEdIzm).HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
.Cells(y, xPopr).HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
.Cells(y, xPopr).WrapText = True
.Cells(y, xEdCen).NumberFormat = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!CaseFormatByRound", PercentEd)
If DocTwoLevel Then
.Cells(y, xItogB).NumberFormat = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!CaseFormatByRound", PercentIt)
.Cells(y, xItogC + 1).NumberFormat = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!CaseFormatByRound", PercentIt)
End If
.Cells(y, xItogC).NumberFormat = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!CaseFormatByRound", PercentIt)
.Rows(y).AutoFit 'CQ[10898]
End With
End Sub
Function EqualFrmItPZEdPZ(ByVal sy As Long) As Boolean
EqualFrmItPZEdPZ = (Src.Cells(sy, 192).Value = 1)
End Function
Sub PrintSmetaStr(ByRef y As Long, ByVal sy As Long)
Dim aType As Integer
Dim aIdLevel As Long
Dim aTabFixText As String
Dim aNameFixText As String
Dim ySmStr As Long
With dst
aIdLevel = Src.Cells(sy, 27).Value
'Печатаем выбранный уровень
If PrmIdLevelCost = aIdLevel Then
aType = Src.Cells(sy, 1).Value
If (PrmPrintZeroStr) Or (Src.Cells(sy, 9).Value <> 0) Then
FormProgress.UpdateProgress sPTab & Src.Cells(sy, 6).Value, sy
ySmStr = y
FormatSmetaStr y
If PrmPrintNppSubStr Or aType = 17 Then
'Акт КС-2 по МТСН
If DocType = 2 Then
NumPP = NumPP + 1
.Cells(y, xNpp).Value = NumPP
.Cells(y, xNpp + 1).Formula = "=Source!E" + Trim(Str(sy))
.Cells(y, xNpp).Formula = "=Source!E" + Trim(Str(sy))
End If
End If
' 1-Альтернативное; 2-Обычное; 3-Альтернативное сокр.
If (PrmAltTab = 1) Then
.Cells(y, xTab).Formula = "=Source!BJ" + Trim(Str(sy))
ElseIf (PrmAltTab = 2) Then
.Cells(y, xTab).Formula = "=Source!F" + Trim(Str(sy))
ElseIf (PrmAltTab = 3) Then
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!BuildNameTab"), .Cells(y, xTab), Src.Cells(sy, 6), Src.Cells(sy, 62), Src.Cells(sy, 60)
End If
.Cells(y, xName).Formula = "=Source!G" + Trim(Str(sy))
If PrmFullEdIzm Then
.Cells(y, xEdIzm).Formula = "=Source!DW" + Trim(Str(sy))
.Cells(y, xEdIzm).Formula = "=Source!H" + Trim(Str(sy))
End If
If (xKoll <> 0) Then .Cells(y, xKoll).Formula = "=Source!I" + Trim(Str(sy))
aTabFixText = .Cells(y, xTab).Value
If (PrmPrintKodPopr) And (Src.Cells(sy, 145).Value <> "") Then
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!KodPoprAddedInValue"), y, sy, xTab, aTabFixText
End If
'Индикация исключенных строк
If PrmPrintIndicateExcludeStr Then 'CQ[10896]
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!IndicateExcludeSmResAddedInValue"), y, sy, xName
End If
aNameFixText = .Cells(y, xName).Value
If PrmPrintCorrectPopr Then
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!CorrectPoprAddedInValue"), y, sy, xName, aNameFixText
End If
If PrmPrintCalcResultBCost Then 'CQ[10588]
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!ResultCalcBCostAddedInValue"), y, sy, xName, aNameFixText
End If
Dim sOZPB As String
Dim sZPMB As String
Dim sZPMC As String
sOZPB = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!ItogValueB", sy, OZP)
sZPMB = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!ItogValueB", sy, ZPM)
.Cells(y, ColIt_NR_B).Formula = "=ROUND((" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!NRSPValueB", sy, NR) & "/100)*" & sOZPB & "," & Str(PercentIt) & ")"
.Cells(y, ColIt_SP_B).Formula = "=ROUND((" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!NRSPValueB", sy, SP) & "/100)*" & sOZPB & "," & Str(PercentIt) & ")"
.Cells(y, ColIt_NR_SP_ZPM_B).Formula = "=ROUND((" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!NRSPZPMValueB") & "/100)*" & sZPMB & "," & Str(PercentIt) & ")"
sZPMC = "ROUND(" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!ItogValueC", sy, ZPM) & "," & Str(PercentIt) & ")"
.Cells(y, ColIt_NR_C).Formula = "=Source!X" + Trim(Str(sy))
.Cells(y, ColIt_SP_C).Formula = "=Source!Y" + Trim(Str(sy))
.Cells(y, ColIt_NR_SP_ZPM_C).Formula = "=ROUND((" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!NRSPZPMValueC") & "/100)*" & sZPMC & "," & Str(PercentIt) & ")"
If aType = 18 Then
If yStartSubStr = 0 Then yStartSubStr = y
Dim sPoprVal As String
sPoprVal = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!PoprValCaseSubStr", sy)
'ПЗ баз.
If Not PrmPrintReplacePopr And ((Len(sPoprVal)) > 0) And (Left(Trim(sPoprVal), 1) = "=") Then
.Cells(y, xEdCen).Formula = "=Source!AB" + Trim(Str(sy))
.Cells(y, xEdCen).Formula = "=Source!AK" + Trim(Str(sy))
.Cells(y, xPopr).Value = "'" & sPoprVal
End If
'Стоимость ПЗ + НР + СП баз.
If DocTwoLevel Then
.Cells(y, xItogB).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!PZValueF", sy, CalcItBase)
.Cells(y, ColIt_Oborud_B).Formula = "=IF(Source!BI" & Trim(Str(sy)) & "=3," & AbsoluteLink(y, xItogB) & ", 0)"
End If
.Cells(y, xZU).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!ZUFCaseSubStr", sy)
.Cells(y, xIndex).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!IndexFCaseSubStr", sy)
'Стоимость ПЗ ит.
.Cells(y, xItogC).Formula = "=Source!O" + Trim(Str(sy))
y = y + 1
ElseIf aType = "17" Then
yStartSubStr = 0
yStartSmStr = y
sySmStr = sy
'Если формула ПЗ ит = ПЗ ед.
If EqualFrmItPZEdPZ(sy) Then
.Cells(y, xEdCen).Formula = "=Source!AB" + Trim(Str(sy))
.Cells(y, xIndex).Formula = "=Source!AZ" + Trim(Str(sy))
If DocTwoLevel Then
.Cells(y, xItogB).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!PZValueF", sy, CalcItBase)
End If
.Cells(y, xItogC).Formula = "=Source!O" + Trim(Str(sy))
End If
'==> [CQ 11321]
If Src.Cells(sy, 60).Value = 3 Then
If (PrmPrintZeroInfo) Or (Src.Cells(sy, 16).Value <> 0) Then
'Мат баз.
If (Not PrmPrintReplacePopr) And (Len(Trim(Src.Cells(sy, 108).Value)) > 0) And (Left(Trim(Src.Cells(sy, 108).Value), 1) = "=") Then
.Cells(y, xEdCen).Formula = "=Source!AC" + Trim(Str(sy))
.Cells(y, xEdCen).Formula = "=Source!AL" + Trim(Str(sy)) 'B - AL E - AC
.Cells(y, xPopr).Formula = "=Source!DD" + Trim(Str(sy)) 'B - AO E - AF
End If
.Cells(y, xZU).Formula = "=Source!AW" + Trim(Str(sy))
'Стоимость Мат баз.
If DocTwoLevel Then
.Cells(y, xItogB).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!ItogValueB", sy, Mat)
End If
'Индекс к Мат
.Cells(y, xIndex).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!IndexF", sy, Mat)
'Стоимость Мат ит.
.Cells(y, xItogC).Formula = "=Source!P" + Trim(Str(sy))
End If
End If '<== [CQ 11321]
y = y + 1
'Печатаем формулу на объем
If PrmPrintFormulaInKoll Then y = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!PrintSmetaKollByFormula", y, sy, xName)
If Src.Cells(sy, 60).Value <> 3 Then PrintAddonSmStrBeforeSubStr y, sy '[CQ 11321]
End If
If PrmPrintCompens Then
y = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!PrintCompens", y, sy, xNpp, xName)
End If
'Если строка последняя, то печатаем НР и СП с итогом по строчке
aType = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!SmStrNextType", sy, PrmPrintZeroStr, PrmIdLevelCost)
If ((aType = 17) Or (aType = 0)) And (sySmStr > 0) Then
PrintAddonSmStrAfterSubStr y, sySmStr, yStartSubStr
End If
End If 'End ZeroStr
End If 'End Level
End With
End Sub
Sub PrintAddonSmStrBeforeSubStr(ByRef y As Long, ByVal sy As Long)
Dim aIdLevel As Long
With dst
aIdLevel = Src.Cells(sy, 27).Value
'Печатаем выбранный уровень
'Строка исключенная из расчета на печать не попадает
If PrmIdLevelCost = aIdLevel Then
If (PrmPrintZeroInfo) Or (Src.Cells(sy, 19).Value <> 0) Then
.Cells(y, xName) = "ЗП"
'ОЗП баз.
If (Not PrmPrintReplacePopr) And (Len(Trim(Src.Cells(sy, 111).Value)) > 0) And (Left(Trim(Src.Cells(sy, 111).Value), 1) = "=") Then
.Cells(y, xEdCen).Formula = "=Source!AF" + Trim(Str(sy)) 'B - AO E - AF
.Cells(y, xEdCen).Formula = "=Source!AO" + Trim(Str(sy)) 'B - AO E - AF
.Cells(y, xPopr).Formula = "=Source!DG" + Trim(Str(sy)) 'B - AO E - AF
End If
.Cells(y, xZU).Formula = "=Source!AV" + Trim(Str(sy))
'Стоимость ОЗП баз.
If DocTwoLevel Then
.Cells(y, xItogB).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!ItogValueB", sy, OZP)
.Cells(y, ColIt_FOT_B).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!ItogValueB", sy, OZP)
End If
'Индекс к ОЗП
.Cells(y, xIndex).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!IndexF", sy, OZP)
'Стоимость ОЗП ит.
.Cells(y, xItogC).Formula = "=Source!S" + Trim(Str(sy))
FormatSmetaStr y
y = y + 1
End If
If (PrmPrintZeroInfo) Or (Src.Cells(sy, 17).Value <> 0) Then
.Cells(y, xName) = "ЭМ"
'ЭММ баз.
If (Not PrmPrintReplacePopr) And (Len(Trim(Src.Cells(sy, 109).Value)) > 0) And (Left(Trim(Src.Cells(sy, 109).Value), 1) = "=") Then
.Cells(y, xEdCen).Formula = "=Source!AD" + Trim(Str(sy))
.Cells(y, xEdCen).Formula = "=Source!AM" + Trim(Str(sy))
.Cells(y, xPopr).Formula = "=Source!DE" + Trim(Str(sy))
End If
.Cells(y, xZU).Formula = "=Source!AV" + Trim(Str(sy))
'Стоимость ЭММ баз.
If DocTwoLevel Then
.Cells(y, xItogB).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!ItogValueB", sy, EMM)
End If
'Индекс к ЭММ
.Cells(y, xIndex).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!IndexF", sy, EMM)
'Стоимость ЭММ ит.
.Cells(y, xItogC).Formula = "=Source!Q" + Trim(Str(sy))
FormatSmetaStr y
y = y + 1
End If
If (PrmPrintZeroInfo) Or (Src.Cells(sy, 18).Value <> 0) Then
.Cells(y, xName) = "в т.ч. ЗПМ"
'ЗПМ баз.
If (Not PrmPrintReplacePopr) And (Len(Trim(Src.Cells(sy, 110).Value)) > 0) And (Left(Trim(Src.Cells(sy, 110).Value), 1) = "=") Then
.Cells(y, xEdCen).Formula = "=Source!AE" + Trim(Str(sy))
.Cells(y, xEdCen).Formula = "=Source!AN" + Trim(Str(sy)) 'B - AN E - AE
.Cells(y, xPopr).Formula = "=Source!DF" + Trim(Str(sy)) 'B - AO E - AF
End If
.Cells(y, xZU).Formula = "=Source!AV" + Trim(Str(sy))
'Стоимость ЗПМ баз.
If DocTwoLevel Then
.Cells(y, xItogB).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!ItogValueB", sy, ZPM)
.Cells(y, ColIt_FOT_B).Formula = .Cells(y, xItogB).Formula
End If
'Индекс к ЗПМ
.Cells(y, xIndex).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!IndexF", sy, ZPM)
'Стоимость ЗПМ ит.
.Cells(y, xItogC).Formula = "=Source!R" + Trim(Str(sy))
FormatSmetaStr y
If xItogB <> 0 Then .Cells(y, xItogB).Font.Italic = True
.Cells(y, xItogC).Font.Italic = True
y = y + 1
End If
If (PrmPrintZeroInfo) Or (Src.Cells(sy, 16).Value <> 0) Then
.Cells(y, xName) = "МР"
'Мат баз.
If (Not PrmPrintReplacePopr) And (Len(Trim(Src.Cells(sy, 108).Value)) > 0) And (Left(Trim(Src.Cells(sy, 108).Value), 1) = "=") Then
.Cells(y, xEdCen).Formula = "=Source!AC" + Trim(Str(sy))
.Cells(y, xEdCen).Formula = "=Source!AL" + Trim(Str(sy)) 'B - AL E - AC
.Cells(y, xPopr).Formula = "=Source!DD" + Trim(Str(sy)) 'B - AO E - AF
End If
.Cells(y, xZU).Formula = "=Source!AW" + Trim(Str(sy))
'Стоимость Мат баз.
If DocTwoLevel Then
.Cells(y, xItogB).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!ItogValueB", sy, Mat)
End If
'Индекс к Мат
.Cells(y, xIndex).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!IndexF", sy, Mat)
'Стоимость Мат ит.
.Cells(y, xItogC).Formula = "=Source!P" + Trim(Str(sy))
FormatSmetaStr y
y = y + 1
End If 'End Level
End If
End With
End Sub
Sub PrintAddonSmStrAfterSubStr(ByRef y As Long, ByVal sy As Long, ByVal yStart As Long)
Dim aIdLevel As Long
Dim yEnd As Long
With dst
aIdLevel = Src.Cells(sy, 27).Value
'Печатаем выбранный уровень
'Строка исключенная из расчета на печать не попадает
If PrmIdLevelCost = aIdLevel Then
yEnd = y - 1
If (Src.Cells(sy, 60).Value <> 3) Then '[CQ 11321]
If (PrmPrintZeroInfo) Or (Src.Cells(sy, 24).Value <> 0) Then
'Если подчиненных строк нет...
If yStart = 0 Then yStart = y
yEnd = y
FormatSmetaStr y
.Cells(y, xName) = "НР от ЗП"
.Cells(y, xEdIzm) = "%"
If DocTwoLevel Then
'% НР базовый находиться в формуле ТР
.Cells(y, xKoll).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!NRSPValueB", sy, NR)
'Получаем ВСЕГО в базисных ценах, руб.
.Cells(y, xItogB).Formula = "=Sum(" & AbsoluteLink(yStartSmStr, ColIt_NR_B) & ":" & AbsoluteLink(y - 1, ColIt_NR_B) & ")"
'% НР текущий находиться в индексах пересчета
.Cells(y, xIndex).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!NRSPValueB_Index", sy, NR)
'% НР текущий находиться в индексах пересчета
.Cells(y, xKoll).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!NRSPValueB_Index", sy, NR)
End If
'Получаем ВСЕГО в текущих (прогнозных) ценах, руб.
.Cells(y, xItogC).Formula = "=Sum(" & AbsoluteLink(yStartSmStr, ColIt_NR_C) & ":" & AbsoluteLink(y - 1, ColIt_NR_C) & ")"
y = y + 1
End If
If (PrmPrintZeroInfo) Or (Src.Cells(sy, 25).Value <> 0) Then
'Если подчиненных строк нет...
If yStart = 0 Then yStart = y
yEnd = y
FormatSmetaStr y
.Cells(y, xName) = "СП от ЗП"
.Cells(y, xEdIzm) = "%"
If DocTwoLevel Then
'% НР базовый находиться в формуле ТР
.Cells(y, xKoll).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!NRSPValueB", sy, SP)
'Получаем ВСЕГО в базисных ценах, руб.
.Cells(y, xItogB).Formula = "=Sum(" & AbsoluteLink(yStartSmStr, ColIt_SP_B) & ":" & AbsoluteLink(y - 1, ColIt_SP_B) & ")"
'% НР текущий находиться в индексах пересчета
.Cells(y, xIndex).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!NRSPValueB_Index", sy, SP)
'% НР текущий находиться в индексах пересчета
.Cells(y, xKoll).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!NRSPValueB_Index", sy, SP)
End If
'Получаем ВСЕГО в текущих (прогнозных) ценах, руб.
.Cells(y, xItogC).Formula = "=Sum(" & AbsoluteLink(yStartSmStr, ColIt_SP_C) & ":" & AbsoluteLink(y - 1, ColIt_SP_C) & ")"
y = y + 1
End If
If (PrmPrintZeroInfo) Or (Src.Cells(sy, 18).Value <> 0) Then
'Если подчиненных строк нет...
If yStart = 0 Then yStart = y
yEnd = y
FormatSmetaStr y
.Cells(y, xName) = "НР и СП от ЗПМ"
.Cells(y, xEdIzm) = "%"
If DocTwoLevel Then
'% НР и СП от ЗПМ базовый
.Cells(y, xKoll).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!NRSPZPMValueB")
'Получаем ВСЕГО в базисных ценах, руб.
.Cells(y, xItogB).Formula = "=Sum(" & AbsoluteLink(yStartSmStr, ColIt_NR_SP_ZPM_B) & ":" & AbsoluteLink(y - 1, ColIt_NR_SP_ZPM_B) & ")"
'% НР и СП от ЗПМ текущий
.Cells(y, xIndex).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!NRSPZPMValueC")
'% НР и СП от ЗПМ текущий
.Cells(y, xKoll).Formula = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!NRSPZPMValueC")
End If
'Получаем ВСЕГО в текущих (прогнозных) ценах, руб.
.Cells(y, xItogC).Formula = "=Sum(" & AbsoluteLink(yStartSmStr, ColIt_NR_SP_ZPM_C) & ":" & AbsoluteLink(y - 1, ColIt_NR_SP_ZPM_C) & ")"
y = y + 1
End If
If (PrmPrintZeroInfo) Or (Src.Cells(sy, 21).Value <> "0") Then
.Cells(y, xName) = "ЗТР"
.Cells(y, xEdIzm) = "чел-ч"
If (Not PrmPrintReplacePopr) And (Len(Trim(Src.Cells(sy, 113).Value)) > 0) And (Left(Trim(Src.Cells(sy, 113).Value), 1) = "=") Then
.Cells(y, xKoll).Formula = "=Source!AH" + Trim(Str(sy))
.Cells(y, xKoll).Formula = "=Source!AQ" + Trim(Str(sy))
.Cells(y, xPopr).Formula = "=Source!DI" + Trim(Str(sy))
End If
.Cells(y, xZU).Formula = "=Source!AV" + Trim(Str(sy))
FormatSmetaStr y
If DocTwoLevel Then
.Cells(y, xItogB).Formula = "=Source!U" + Trim(Str(sy))
.Cells(y, xItogB).NumberFormat = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!CaseFormatByRound", 2)
.Cells(y, xItogC + 1).Formula = "=Source!U" + Trim(Str(sy))
.Cells(y, xItogC + 1).NumberFormat = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!CaseFormatByRound", 2)
End If
y = y + 1
End If
End If
PrintItogSmStr y, sy, yStart, yEnd
End If 'End Level
End With
End Sub
Function AbsoluteLink(ByVal aRow As Long, ByVal aCol As Long) As String
With dst
AbsoluteLink = .Cells(aRow, aCol).Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False)
End With
End Function
Sub PrintItogSmStr(ByRef y As Long, ByVal sy As Long, ByVal yStart As Long, ByVal yEnd As Long)
Dim aIdLevel As Long
Dim sCostB As String
Dim sSummB As String
Dim sSummC As String
With dst
aIdLevel = Src.Cells(sy, 27).Value
'Печатаем выбранный уровень
'Строка исключенная из расчета на печать не попадает
If PrmIdLevelCost = aIdLevel Then
'Текущий уровень
If yStart > 0 Then
sSummC = "+Sum(" & AbsoluteLink(yStart, xItogC) & ":" & AbsoluteLink(yEnd, xItogC) & ")"
sSummC = ""
End If
.Cells(y, xItogC - 1).Formula = "=Source!O" & Trim(Str(sy)) & sSummC
.Cells(y, ColIt_C).Formula = "=" & AbsoluteLink(y, xItogC - 1)
FormatItogSmStr .Range(.Cells(y, xItogC - 1), .Cells(y, xItogC))
If DocTwoLevel Then
'Базовый уровень
If yStart > 0 Then
sSummB = "+Sum(" & AbsoluteLink(yStart, xItogB) & ":" & AbsoluteLink(yEnd, xItogB) & ")"
sSummB = ""
End If
If EqualFrmItPZEdPZ(sy) Then
sCostB = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!ItogValueB", sy, PZ)
sCostB = "=" & Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!ItogValueB", sy, Mat) & "+" & _
Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!ItogValueB", sy, OZP) & "+" & _
Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!ItogValueB", sy, EMM)
End If
.Cells(y, xItogB - 1).Formula = sCostB & sSummB
.Cells(y, ColIt_B).Formula = "=" & AbsoluteLink(y, xItogB - 1)
.Cells(y, ColIt_Stroit_B).Formula = "=IF(Source!BI" & Trim(Str(sy)) & "<=1," & AbsoluteLink(y, xItogB - 1) & ", 0)"
.Cells(y, ColIt_Mont_B).Formula = "=IF(Source!BI" & Trim(Str(sy)) & "=2," & AbsoluteLink(y, xItogB - 1) & ", 0)"
.Cells(y, ColIt_Oborud_B).Formula = "=IF(Source!BI" & Trim(Str(sy)) & "=3," & AbsoluteLink(y, xItogB - 1) & ", 0)"
.Cells(y, ColIt_Other_B).Formula = "=IF(Source!BI" & Trim(Str(sy)) & "=4," & AbsoluteLink(y, xItogB - 1) & ", 0)"
FormatItogSmStr .Range(.Cells(y, xItogB - 1), .Cells(y, xItogB))
'Усредненная стоимость
.Cells(y, xItogC + 1).Formula = "=if(Source!I" & Trim(Str(sy)) & "<>0, ROUND(" & AbsoluteLink(y, xItogC - 1) & "/Source!I" & Trim(Str(sy)) & ", 2), 0)"
FormatItogSmStr .Range(.Cells(y, xItogC + 1), .Cells(y, xItogC + 1))
End If
Underline .Range(.Cells(y - 1, 1), .Cells(y - 1, NmGraf))
y = y + 1
End If
End With
End Sub
Sub FormatItogSmStr(ByVal Rng As Range)
SetFont Rng, iSizeFont
With Rng
.HorizontalAlignment = xlHAlignRight
.Font.Bold = True
.NumberFormat = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!CaseFormatByRound", PercentIt)
End With
End Sub
Sub PrintLimitir(ByRef y As Long, ByVal sy As Long)
Dim aType As Integer
aType = GetTypeStructElem(sy)
If PrmPrintLimItog And (aType > 1 Or (aType = 1 And PrmPrintItogObj)) Then '[CQ 11482]
FormProgress.UpdateProgress sPLimItog & Src.Cells(sy, 7).Value, sy
y = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!PrintLimitir", y, sy, xName, xItogC, _
PrmSelectedLevelIndex, Not PrmPrintItog, xWrapLimTitle, xWrapLimNames, False)
End If
End Sub
Sub PrintFooters(ByRef y As Long)
Dim aSheetName As String
Dim aRangeFooter As String
If PrmPrintFooter Then
y = y + 2
InitRangeInSheet aSheetName
InitRangeFooter aRangeFooter
Set TmpSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(aSheetName)
With dst
.Cells(y, 1).PasteSpecial
.Cells(1, 1).Select
PrintOneFooter y
End With
End If
End Sub
Sub PrintOneFooter(ByRef y As Long)
Dim sy As Long
With dst
If UseAkt Then sy = 15 Else sy = 12
'Смета по МТСН
If (DocType = 0) Then
'Составил Должность
.Cells(y, xName).Formula = "=IF(Source!AC" & Trim(Str(sy)) & "<>"""", Source!AC" & Trim(Str(sy)) & ","" "")"
'Проверил Должность
.Cells(y + 3, xName).Formula = "=IF(Source!AE" & Trim(Str(sy)) & "<>"""", Source!AE" & Trim(Str(sy)) & ","" "")"
'Составил ФИО
.Cells(y, 8).Formula = "=IF(Source!AB" & Trim(Str(sy)) & "<>"""", Source!AB" & Trim(Str(sy)) & ","" "")"
'Проверил ФИО
.Cells(y + 3, 8).Formula = "=IF(Source!AD" & Trim(Str(sy)) & "<>"""", Source!AD" & Trim(Str(sy)) & ","" "")"
y = y + 5
'Акт по МТСН
'Акт КС-2 по МТСН
ElseIf (DocType = 1) Or (DocType = 2) Then
'==> [CQ 11254]
If UseAkt Then
'Сдал Должность
.Cells(y, xName).Formula = "=IF(Source!AC" & Trim(Str(sy)) & "<>"""", Source!AC" & Trim(Str(sy)) & ","" "")"
'Принял Должность
.Cells(y + 3, xName).Formula = "=IF(Source!AG" & Trim(Str(sy)) & "<>"""", Source!AG" & Trim(Str(sy)) & ","" "")"
'Сдал ФИО
.Cells(y, NmGraf - 3).Formula = "=IF(Source!AB" & Trim(Str(sy)) & "<>"""", Source!AB" & Trim(Str(sy)) & ","" "")"
'Принял ФИО
.Cells(y + 3, NmGraf - 3).Formula = "=IF(Source!AF" & Trim(Str(sy)) & "<>"""", Source!AF" & Trim(Str(sy)) & ","" "")"
'Сдал Должность
.Cells(y, xName).Formula = "=IF(Source!AM" & Trim(Str(sy)) & "<>"""", Source!AM" & Trim(Str(sy)) & ","" "")"
'Принял Должность
.Cells(y + 3, xName).Formula = "=IF(Source!AI" & Trim(Str(sy)) & "<>"""", Source!AI" & Trim(Str(sy)) & ","" "")"
'Сдал ФИО
.Cells(y, NmGraf - 3).Formula = "=IF(Source!AL" & Trim(Str(sy)) & "<>"""", Source!AL" & Trim(Str(sy)) & ","" "")"
'Принял ФИО
.Cells(y + 3, NmGraf - 3).Formula = "=IF(Source!AH" & Trim(Str(sy)) & "<>"""", Source!AH" & Trim(Str(sy)) & ","" "")"
End If
'<== [CQ 11254]
y = y + 6
End If
End With
End Sub
Sub PrintLocalHeaders(ByRef y As Long, ByVal sy As Long)
Dim aSheetName As String
Dim aRangeHeader As String
FormProgress.UpdateProgress sPHeaderDoc, sy
If PrmPrintTitle Then ' Печатать титул
PrintMainHeader y 'Печать титула
End If
PrintHeaderUtv y, sy
InitRangeInSheet aSheetName
InitRangeHeader aRangeHeader
Set TmpSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(aSheetName)
With dst
.Cells(y, 1).PasteSpecial
.Cells(1, 1).Select
PrintOneLocalHeader y, sy
yLS = y
NumPP = 0
header_cnt = header_cnt + 1
If header_cnt = 1 Then
With .PageSetup
.PrintTitleRows = "$" + Trim(Str(y - 1)) + ":$" + Trim(Str(y - 1))
.PrintTitleColumns = ""
End With
End If
End With
End Sub
Sub PrintHeaderUtv(ByRef y As Long, ByVal sy As Long)
Dim Ly As Long
Dim aSheetName As String
Dim aRangeHeaderUtv As String
If PrmHeaderUtv Then
InitRangeInSheet aSheetName
InitRangeHeaderUtv aRangeHeaderUtv
Set TmpSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(aSheetName)
With dst
If UseAkt Then Ly = 15 Else Ly = 12
.Cells(y, 1).PasteSpecial
.Cells(1, 1).Select
If PrmHeaderUtv Then
If DocTwoLevel Then
.Cells(y, 11) = "Форма № 1б"
.Cells(y, 11) = "Форма № 1а"
End If
End If
'ГенПодр Орг
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!PrintUTVHeaderPodr"), y + 2, 2, Ly
'ГенПодр ФИО
.Cells(y + 4, 2).Formula = "=CONCATENATE(""______________________ "", IF(Source!AL" & Trim(Str(Ly)) & "<>"""", Source!AL" & Trim(Str(Ly)) & ", """"))"
.Cells(y + 5, 2).Value = """_____""________________ " & Year(Now) & " г."
'Заказчик Орг
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!PrintUTVHeaderZakaz"), y + 2, 7, Ly
'Заказчик ФИО
.Cells(y + 4, 7).Formula = "=CONCATENATE(""______________________ "", IF(Source!AH" & Trim(Str(Ly)) & "<>"""", Source!AH" & Trim(Str(Ly)) & ", """"))"
.Cells(y + 5, 7).Value = """_____""________________ " & Year(Now) & " г."
y = y + 7
End With
End If
End Sub
Sub PrintMainHeader(ByRef y As Long)
With dst
.Cells(y, 1).Formula = "=CONCATENATE(Source!B1, "" ТСН-2001 (© ОАО МЦЦС 'Мосстройцены', 2006)"")"
SetFont .Cells(y, 1), iSizeFont - 2
y = y + 1
End With
End Sub
Sub PrintOneLocalHeader(ByRef y As Long, ByVal sy As Long)
Dim Ly As Long
Dim aTypeTitle As Integer
With dst
aTypeTitle = 2
If UseAkt Then Ly = 15 Else Ly = 12
'Смета по МТСН
If (DocType = 0) Then
If Not PrmHeaderUtv Then
If DocTwoLevel Then
.Cells(y, 11) = "Форма № 1б"
.Cells(y, 11) = "Форма № 1а"
End If
End If
'==> [CQ 11135]
If Src.Cells(4, 7).Value <> "" Then
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!PrintStroyka"), y + 1, 1
WrapLongName xWrapStruct, y + 1
End If
'Шифр структуры
' .Cells(y + 4, 1).Formula = "=CONCATENATE( ""ЛОКАЛЬНАЯ СМЕТА № "" , Source!F" + Trim(Str(sy)) + ")"
'==> [CQ 11482]
If PrmHeaderOnLs Then
.Cells(y + 4, 1).Formula = "=CONCATENATE( ""ЛОКАЛЬНАЯ СМЕТА № "" ,IF(Source!F" & Trim(Str(sy)) & "<>""Новая локальная смета"", Source!F" & Trim(Str(sy)) & ", """"))"
.Cells(y + 4, 1).Formula = "=CONCATENATE( ""ЛОКАЛЬНАЯ СМЕТА № "" ,IF(Source!F12" & "<>""Новый объект"", Source!F12" & ", """"))"
End If
WrapLongName xWrapStruct, y + 4
'Наименование структуры
'==> [CQ 11135]
If PrmHeaderOnLs Then
.Cells(y + 7, 1).Formula = "=IF(Source!G" & Trim(Str(sy)) & "<>""Новая локальная смета"", Source!G" & Trim(Str(sy)) & ", """")" '[CQ 11482]
WrapLongName xWrapStruct, y + 7
End If
If Not PrmHeaderOnLs Or .Cells(y + 7, 1).Value = "" Then '[CQ 11482]
.Rows(y + 7).Hidden = True
.Rows(y + 8).Hidden = True
End If
' '==> [CQ 11278]
' If PrmHeaderOnLs Then
' 'Наименование сметы, Наименование Объекта
' .Cells(y + 9, 1).Formula = "=CONCATENATE(CONCATENATE(Source!G" & Trim(Str(sy)) & ", "", ""), IF(Source!G12<>"""",Source!G12,Source!F12))"
' Else
'Наименование Объекта
'.Cells(y + 9, 1).Formula = "=Source!G12"
.Cells(y + 9, 1).Formula = "=IF(Source!G12" & "<>""Новый объект"", Source!G12" & ", """")" '[CQ 11482]
' End If
WrapLongName xWrapStruct, y + 9
'Чертежи структуры
.Cells(y + 12, 1).Formula = "=CONCATENATE( ""Основание: чертежи № "" , Source!J" & Trim(Str(sy)) + ")"
WrapLongName xWrapStruct, y + 12
y_header = y + 14
'Составлена в ценах
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!PrintTitleCost"), y + 20, 1, aTypeTitle, PrmSelectedLevelIndex
.Rows(y_header + 1).Hidden = Not PrmPrintItogVidRab
.Rows(y_header + 2).Hidden = Not PrmPrintItogVidRab
.Rows(y_header + 3).Hidden = Not PrmPrintItogVidRab
.Rows(y_header + 4).Hidden = Not PrmPrintItogVidRab
If DocTwoLevel Then
y = y + 23
y = y + 25
End If
'Акт по МТСН
ElseIf (DocType = 1) Then
'Заказчик орг
.Cells(y + 1, 3).Formula = "=IF(Source!AJ" & Trim(Str(Ly)) & "<>"""", Source!AJ" & Trim(Str(Ly)) & ","" "")"
'Подрядчик орг
.Cells(y + 3, 3).Formula = "=IF(Source!AN" & Trim(Str(Ly)) & "<>"""", Source!AN" & Trim(Str(Ly)) & ","" "")"
'Шифр Объекта
'.Cells(y + 8, 3).Formula = "=Source!F12"
.Cells(y + 8, 3).Formula = "=IF(Source!F12" + "<>""Новый объект"", Source!F12" + ", """")" '[CQ 11482]
WrapLongName xWrapHeader, y + 8
'Наименование структуры
'==> [CQ 11482]
If Src.Cells(sy, 7).Value <> "Новая локальная смета" And Src.Cells(sy, 7).Value <> "Новый объект" Then '[CQ 11482]
.Cells(y + 10, 3).Formula = "=Source!G" & Trim(Str(sy))
WrapLongName xWrapHeader, y + 10
End If
' '==> [CQ 11278]
' If PrmHeaderOnLs Then
' 'Наименование сметы, Наименование Объекта
' .Cells(y + 10, 3).Formula = "=CONCATENATE(CONCATENATE(Source!G" & Trim(Str(sy)) & ", "", ""), IF(Source!G12<>"""",Source!G12,Source!F12))"
' Else
' 'Наименование Объекта
' .Cells(y + 10, 3).Formula = "=Source!G12"
' End If
' WrapLongName xWrapHeader, y + 10
' '<== [CQ 11278]
'Составлена в ценах
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!PrintTitleCost"), y + 13, 1, aTypeTitle, PrmSelectedLevelIndex
If DocTwoLevel Then
.Rows(y + 16).RowHeight = 20
.Rows(y + 17).RowHeight = 20
y = y + 19
y = y + 18
End If
'Акт КС-2 по МТСН
ElseIf (DocType = 2) Then
'Инвестор орг
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!PrintInvestorOrgInfo"), y + 7, 3
WrapLongName xWrapHeader, y + 7
'Инвестор ОКПО
.Cells(y + 7 - 1, NmGraf - 2).Formula = "=IF(Source!AT15 <> """", Source!AT15, """")"
'Заказчик орг
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!PrintZakazOrgInfo"), y + 9, 3, Ly
WrapLongName xWrapHeader, y + 9
'Заказчик ОКПО
.Cells(y + 9 - 1, NmGraf - 2).Formula = "=IF(Source!AK15 <> """", Source!AK15, """")"
'Подрядчик орг
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!PrintPodrOrgInfo"), y + 11, 3, Ly
WrapLongName xWrapHeader, y + 11
'Подрядчик ОКПО
.Cells(y + 11 - 1, NmGraf - 2).Formula = "=IF(Source!AO15 <> """", Source!AO15, """")"
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!PrintStroykaInfo"), y + 13, 3
WrapLongName xWrapHeader, y + 13
'Стройка ОКПО
.Cells(y + 13 - 1, NmGraf - 2).Formula = "=IF(Source!CO15 <> """", Source!CO15, """")"
WrapLongName xWrapHeader, y + 13
'==> [CQ 11482]
.Cells(y + 15, 3).Formula = "=IF(Source!G12" + "<>""Новый объект"", Source!G12" + ", """")" '[CQ 11482]
WrapLongName xWrapHeader, y + 15
'Объекта ОКПО
.Cells(y + 15 - 1, NmGraf - 2).Formula = "=IF(Source!CP15 <> """", Source!CP15, """")"
'Вид деятельности по ОКДП
.Cells(y + 17, NmGraf - 2).Formula = "=IF(Source!CQ15 <> """", Source!CQ15, """")"
'номер договора подряда
.Cells(y + 18, NmGraf - 2).Formula = "=IF(Source!CR15 <> """", Source!CR15, """")"
'дата договора подряда
.Cells(y + 19, NmGraf - 2).Formula = "=IF(Source!CS15 <> 0, Source!CS15, """")"
'вид операции
.Cells(y + 20, NmGraf - 2).Formula = "=IF(Source!CT15 <> """", Source!CT15, """")"
'Номер документа
.Cells(y + 24, 7).Formula = "=IF(Source!CN15 <> """", Source!CN15, """")"
'Дата составления
.Cells(y + 24, 8).Value = Now
'Сметная стоимость
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!PrintSmCost"), y + 29, NmGraf - 4, sy, PrmSelectedLevelIndex
'Составлена в ценах
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!PrintTitleCost"), y + 30, 1, aTypeTitle, PrmSelectedLevelIndex
If DocTwoLevel Then
.Rows(y + 34).RowHeight = 20
.Rows(y + 35).RowHeight = 20
y = y + 37
y = y + 35
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
Sub PrintStructure(ByRef y As Long, ByVal sy As Long)
Dim aType As Integer
With dst
y = y + 1 'CQ[10895]
aType = Src.Cells(sy, 1).Value
If aType = 3 Then
yLS = y
ElseIf aType = "4" Then
yRazd = y
ElseIf aType = "5" Then
yPodRazd = y
End If
SetCaptionStructElem y, sy, aType, 1
FormatStructStr y
y = y + 1
End With
End Sub
Function GetTypeStructElem(ByVal sy As Long) As Integer
If (Src.Cells(sy, 1).Value = "51") Then
GetTypeStructElem = Src.Cells(sy, 3).Value
GetTypeStructElem = 1
End If
End Function
Function GetStructElem(ByVal sy As Long) As Long
Dim aType As Integer
aType = GetTypeStructElem(sy)
If (aType = 1) Then
GetStructElem = 1
ElseIf (aType = 3) Then
GetStructElem = yLS
ElseIf (aType = 4) Then
GetStructElem = yRazd
ElseIf (aType = 5) Then
GetStructElem = yPodRazd
End If
End Function
Sub PrintItogStruct(ByRef y As Long, ByVal sy As Long, ByVal yStart As Long)
Dim aType As Integer
With dst
aType = GetTypeStructElem(sy)
If PrmPrintItog And (aType > 1 Or (aType = 1 And PrmPrintItogObj)) Then '[CQ 11482]
y = y + 1
SetCaptionStructElem y, sy, GetTypeStructElem(sy), 2
.Cells(y, xItogC - 1).Formula = "=Sum(" & AbsoluteLink(yStart, ColIt_C) & ":" & AbsoluteLink(y - 1, ColIt_C) & ")"
If DocTwoLevel Then
.Cells(y, xItogB).Formula = "=Sum(" & AbsoluteLink(yStart, ColIt_B) & ":" & AbsoluteLink(y - 1, ColIt_B) & ")"
End If
FormatItog y
y = y + 2
End If
SetHeaderItog sy, yStart, y - 1
End With
End Sub
Sub SetCaptionStructElem(ByVal y As Long, ByVal sy As Long, ByVal aStuctType As Long, ByVal aCaptionType As Long)
Dim sName As String
'aCaptionType = 1 Наименование элемента структуры
'aCaptionType = 2 Наименование итога
With dst
If aStuctType = 1 Then
If aCaptionType = 2 Then
If UseAkt Then
sName = "акту: "
sName = "смете: "
End If
End If
ElseIf aStuctType = 3 Then
If aCaptionType = 1 Then
sName = "Локальная смета: "
ElseIf aCaptionType = 2 Then
sName = "локальной смете: "
End If
ElseIf aStuctType = 4 Then
If aCaptionType = 1 Then
sName = "Раздел: "
ElseIf aCaptionType = 2 Then
sName = "разделу: "
End If
ElseIf aStuctType = 5 Then
If aCaptionType = 1 Then
sName = "Подраздел: "
ElseIf aCaptionType = 2 Then
sName = "подразделу: "
End If
End If
If aCaptionType = 1 Then
sName = sName
ElseIf aCaptionType = 2 Then
sName = "Итого по " & sName
End If
'.Cells(y, 1).Formula = "=CONCATENATE(""" & sName & """, Source!G" + Trim(Str(sy)) + ")"
'==> [CQ 11482]
If aStuctType = 1 Then
.Cells(y, 1).Formula = "=CONCATENATE(""" & sName & """,IF(Source!G" + Trim(Str(sy)) + "<>""Новый объект"", Source!G" + Trim(Str(sy)) + ", """"))"
ElseIf aStuctType = 3 Then
.Cells(y, 1).Formula = "=CONCATENATE(""" & sName & """,IF(Source!G" + Trim(Str(sy)) + "<>""Новая локальная смета"", Source!G" + Trim(Str(sy)) + ", """"))"
ElseIf aStuctType = 4 Then
.Cells(y, 1).Formula = "=CONCATENATE(""" & sName & """,IF(Source!G" + Trim(Str(sy)) + "<>""Новый раздел"", Source!G" + Trim(Str(sy)) + ", """"))"
ElseIf aStuctType = 5 Then
.Cells(y, 1).Formula = "=CONCATENATE(""" & sName & """,IF(Source!G" + Trim(Str(sy)) + "<>""Новый подраздел"", Source!G" + Trim(Str(sy)) + ", """"))"
End If
End With
End Sub
Sub SetHeaderItog(ByVal sy As Integer, ByVal yStart As Long, ByVal yEnd As Long)
Dim aType As Integer
With dst
aType = GetTypeStructElem(sy)
If ((aType = 1) And Not PrmHeaderOnLs) Or ((aType = 3) And PrmHeaderOnLs) Then
'Смета МТСН
If (DocType = 0) Then
If DocTwoLevel Then
'Сметная стоимость
.Cells(y_header + 0, xItogB).Formula = "=Sum(" & AbsoluteLink(yStart, ColIt_B) & ":" & AbsoluteLink(yEnd, ColIt_B) & ")/1000"
.Cells(y_header + 0, xItogB).NumberFormat = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!CaseFormatByRound", 2)
'Строительные работы
.Cells(y_header + 1, xItogB).Formula = "=Sum(" & AbsoluteLink(yStart, ColIt_Stroit_B) & ":" & AbsoluteLink(yEnd, ColIt_Stroit_B) & ")/1000"
.Cells(y_header + 1, xItogB).NumberFormat = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!CaseFormatByRound", 2)
'Монтажные работы
.Cells(y_header + 2, xItogB).Formula = "=Sum(" & AbsoluteLink(yStart, ColIt_Mont_B) & ":" & AbsoluteLink(yEnd, ColIt_Mont_B) & ")/1000"
.Cells(y_header + 2, xItogB).NumberFormat = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!CaseFormatByRound", 2)
.Cells(y_header + 3, xItogB).Formula = "=Sum(" & AbsoluteLink(yStart, ColIt_Oborud_B) & ":" & AbsoluteLink(yEnd, ColIt_Oborud_B) & ")/1000"
.Cells(y_header + 3, xItogB).NumberFormat = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!CaseFormatByRound", 2)
'Прочие работы
.Cells(y_header + 4, xItogB).Formula = "=Sum(" & AbsoluteLink(yStart, ColIt_Other_B) & ":" & AbsoluteLink(yEnd, ColIt_Other_B) & ")/1000"
.Cells(y_header + 4, xItogB).NumberFormat = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!CaseFormatByRound", 2)
'Средства на оплату труда
.Cells(y_header + 5, xItogB).Formula = "=Sum(" & AbsoluteLink(yStart, ColIt_FOT_B) & ":" & AbsoluteLink(yEnd, ColIt_FOT_B) & ")/1000"
.Cells(y_header + 5, xItogB).NumberFormat = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!CaseFormatByRound", 2)
End If
'Сметная стоимость текущий
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!PrintSmCost"), y_header + 0, xItogC - 1, sy, PrmSelectedLevelIndex
'Строительные работы текущий
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!PrintStroitCost"), y_header + 1, xItogC - 1, sy, PrmSelectedLevelIndex
'Монтажные работы текущий
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!PrintMontCost"), y_header + 2, xItogC - 1, sy, PrmSelectedLevelIndex
'Оборудование текущий
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!PrintOborudCost"), y_header + 3, xItogC - 1, sy, PrmSelectedLevelIndex
'Прочие работы
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!PrintOtherCost"), y_header + 4, xItogC - 1, sy, PrmSelectedLevelIndex
'Средства на оплату труда текущий
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!PrintCompensationTrud"), y_header + 5, xItogC - 1, sy, PrmSelectedLevelIndex
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
Sub FormatItog(ByVal y As Long)
Dim x_TitleEnd As Integer
With dst
SetFont .Range(.Cells(y, 1), .Cells(y, NmGraf)), iSizeFont
.Range(.Cells(y, 1), .Cells(y, NmGraf)).Font.Bold = True
With .Range(.Cells(y, xItogC - 1), .Cells(y, xItogC))
.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
End With
.Cells(y, xItogC - 1).NumberFormat = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!CaseFormatByRound", PercentIt)
If DocTwoLevel Then
With .Range(.Cells(y, xItogB - 1), .Cells(y, xItogB))
.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
End With
.Cells(y, xItogB - 1).NumberFormat = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!CaseFormatByRound", PercentIt)
x_TitleEnd = xItogB - 2
x_TitleEnd = xItogC - 2
End If
.Range(.Cells(y, 1), .Cells(y, x_TitleEnd)).Merge
.Cells(y, 1).WrapText = True
.Cells(y, 1).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
WrapLongName xWrapItogName, y
End With
End Sub
Sub Underline(ByVal Rng As Range)
With Rng.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Weight = xlThin
End With
End Sub
Sub SetFont(ByVal Rng As Range, ByVal aSize As Integer)
With Rng.Font
.Name = sFontName
.Size = aSize
End With
End Sub
'Инициализация РР
Sub InitRR()
Dim RRxTab As Integer
Dim RRxName As Integer
Dim RRxNameEnd As Integer
Dim RRxEdIzm As Integer
Dim RRxKol As Integer
Dim RRxCena As Integer
Dim RRxStoim As Integer
Dim RRxStart As Integer
Dim RRxLast As Integer
If Not PrmPrintRR Then Exit Sub
RRxTab = xTab
RRxName = xName
RRxNameEnd = xName + 3
RRxEdIzm = xName + 4
RRxKol = xName + 5
RRxCena = xName + 6
RRxStoim = xName + 7
RRxStart = RRxTab
RRxLast = RRxStoim
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!InitResVed"), _
PrmPrintRRTrud, _
PrmPrintRRMash, _
PrmPrintRRMat, _
PrmPrintRRPriceInfo, _
PrmPrintRRZeroStr, _
PrmPrintRRNegativeValue, _
RRxTab, _
RRxName, _
RRxNameEnd, _
RRxEdIzm, _
RRxKol, _
RRxCena, _
RRxStoim, _
RRxStart, _
RRxLast, _
xWrapRRTitle, _
End Sub
Sub PrintRV(ByRef y As Long, ByVal sy As Long)
Dim syStart As Long
If PrmPrintRR Then
If (Src.Cells(sy, 3).Value = 1) Or PrmPrintRRInStruct Then
FormProgress.UpdateProgress sPResVed & Src.Cells(sy, 7).Value, sy
syStart = Src.Cells(sy, 4).Value
y = Application.Run("SmetaUtils.xls!PrintRR", y, syStart, sy, PrmIdLevelCost)
End If
End If
End Sub
Function OpenSmetaUtils() As Boolean
Dim aCurrBook As Workbook
On Error GoTo aErrorOpening
Set aCurrBook = ActiveWorkbook
Application.Workbooks.Open (ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & SmetaUtilsBook)
Set WBSmetaUtils = Workbooks(SmetaUtilsBook)
OpenSmetaUtils = True
Application.Run ("SmetaUtils.xls!InitSmetaUtils"), _
Nothing, _
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Source"), _
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("SmtRes"), _
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("EtalonRes"), _
iSizeFont, _
Exit Function
MsgBox "Не могу сформировать документ. Не удалось открыть утилиту: " & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & SmetaUtilsBook
OpenSmetaUtils = False
End Function
Function CloseSmetaUtils() As Boolean
On Error GoTo aErrorClose
WBSmetaUtils.Close False
CloseSmetaUtils = True
Exit Function
CloseSmetaUtils = False
End Function
Sub WrapLongName(ByVal xWrap As Integer, ByVal y As Long)
Dim xStart As Integer
Dim xEnd As Integer
Dim I As Integer
Dim aLen As Double
If xWrap = xWrapHeader Then
xStart = 3
If (DocType = 1) Then 'Акт по МТСН
xEnd = NmGraf
ElseIf (DocType = 2) Then 'Акт KC-2 по МТСН
xEnd = NmGraf - 4
End If
ElseIf xWrap = xWrapStruct Then
xStart = 1
xEnd = NmGraf
ElseIf xWrap = xWrapItogName Then
xStart = 1
If DocTwoLevel Then
xEnd = xItogB - 2
xEnd = xItogC - 2
End If
End If
With dst
aLen = 3
For I = xStart To xEnd
aLen = aLen + .Columns(I).ColumnWidth
Next I
.Columns(xWrap).ColumnWidth = aLen
.Cells(y, xStart).Copy Destination:=.Cells(y, xWrap)
.Cells(y, xWrap).Formula = .Cells(y, xStart).Formula
End With
End Sub
arbeiten писал(а):Если вас не затруднит, выделите, пожалуйста, жирным шрифтом
Timur писал(а):по частям поищите...может получиться...
В 7 версии дефектная ведомость ТСН выходила с обозначенными границами ячеек, хотелось бы вернуть этот макрос и в 8 ю версию.
Timur писал(а):В 7 версии дефектная ведомость ТСН выходила с обозначенными границами ячеек, хотелось бы вернуть этот макрос и в 8 ю версию.
Хотелось бы более подробнее понять о чем идет речь?
Если речь идет об этом, то посмотрим!
P.S. Не надо плодить одинаковые сообщения по разным темам. ))
arbeiten писал(а):Как отредатировать шаблон, чтобы расчет объема выделялся жирным шрифтом?
Как отредатировать шаблон, чтобы расчет объема выделялся жирным шрифтом
arbeiten писал(а):Как отредатировать шаблон, чтобы расчет объема выделялся жирным шрифтом?
arbeiten писал(а):Еще вопрос: в выходной форме в экселе не печатается формула расчета объема (в программе стоит формула, в выходном файле просто значение) . Куда копать?
arbeiten писал(а):Добавьте форму вывода материалов из сметы в том же порядке в котором материалы идут в смете.
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