Добрый день. При ремонте базы данных возникают ошибки:
"[0309915] gbak:cannot commit index FK_A_SMETA_CENLVL_ID
[0309916] gbak: ERROR:violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_A_SMETA_CENLVL_ID" on table "A_SMETA_CENLVL"
[0309917] gbak: ERROR: Foreign key reference target does not exist
[0309934] gbak:cannot commit index FK_A_SMETA_INDLVL_ID
[0309935] gbak: ERROR:violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_A_SMETA_INDLVL_ID" on table "A_SMETA_INDLVL"
[0309936] gbak: ERROR: Foreign key reference target does not exist "
а затем
[0309950] gbak:finishing, closing, and going home
[0309951] gbak:Database is not online due to failure to activate one or more indices.
[0309952] gbak:Run gfix -online to bring database online without active indices. "
База от версии Мониторинг
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