Error while exporting to Excel

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Error while exporting to Excel

Сообщение CruzGibbs1975 Вт Май 22, 2018 7:17

Good evening, gentlemen, experts!
There was a problem when exporting an estimate to excel.
After clicking the window with the choice of the name and file type works fine (I choose .xlsx)
But then the shoals begin. Opens itself excel, and almost immediately flies, does not even reach the selection of the type of document ... pop-up notices - on screenshots

Windows 10 costs
Office was 2010. The version of was There were no problems. In the base did not climb, did not put anything
Updated to (and approximately in the same gap was updated windows). And that's all, * op. After which of these steps there were problems - I will not say.
Installing the patch and Office 2016 also did not help, a similar problem
By itself excel works without failures, opens everything and everything
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Re: Error while exporting to Excel

Сообщение Timur Вт Май 22, 2018 9:12

Так какие ошибки появляются? Прикрепите снимки экрана со всеми ошибками, что появляются во время экспорта...если среди ошибок появится окно VBA,то еще нужен снимок экрана после нажатия на клавишу "Debug".

Timur писал(а): pop-up notices - on screenshots

где screenshots????
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Re: Error while exporting to Excel

Сообщение Володя1990 Вт Май 22, 2018 10:55

Maybe you need to enable macros in the parameters of MS Office Excel?
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Re: Error while exporting to Excel

Сообщение Voyager`tm Вт Май 22, 2018 11:47

CruzGibbs1975 писал(а):Opens itself excel, and almost immediately flies, does not even reach the selection of the type of document

Enable macros then ... by default macros are off
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